Η χρήση προσωπείου στις νεοελληνικές παραστάσεις αρχαίων τραγωδιών


The paper examines the use of masks in modern Greek productions of​ ​ancient tragedy and addresses the different approaches taken by contemporary Greek​ ​directors to masked productions of ancient tragedy. The discussion concludes that​ ​the majority of directors use masks either to create an elaborate effect or to attribute​ ​divine characteristics to some roles. Nevertheless, some Greek directors use masks​ ​consistently and deliberately in order to render the ritualistic aspects of theatre performances​ ​and in many cases in accordance with the Asian and Far East theatre traditions.​ ​In the same category belong also directors who try to revive the conditions of​ ​the production at the theatre of Dionysos or experiment with masks and their acoustic​ ​potential.