Επιβιώσεις του μύθου του Οιδίποδα στο ελληνικό θέατρο σκιών (Καραγκιόζη): Η γέννηση του κολλητήρη ή Το πεπρωμένο φυγείν αδύνατον


This essay focuses on an intriguing play of Greek Shadow Theatre, probably launched in the 1920’s and quite popular in past years. Ac­cording to the plot, Karaghiozis’ newborn child gets abducted by Pasha’s Officer and offered to him. Pasha, trying to escape a fateful prophecy, orders the baby’s execution, which is annulled by merciful soldiers who abandon the baby in the forest. A childless shepherd (Barba-Yorgos) finds and raises the child (Vretos). After many years, Pasha meets the fatal child and reattempts to assassinate it. Thanks to mysterious interference the boy not only is saved but marries Pasha’s daughter as well, thus fulfilling his destiny. In order to trace the play’s mod­els, a comparison between unpublished versions of the play, Greek tales of Fate (Αarne – Τhompson – Uther types 930-949) and Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is drawn.